Watermelon Baozhong

While it’s been awhile since I’ve blogged, I have been quite busy! Between starting a new job and the first Liquid Proust Teas group buy, Dark Matter 2016, I really haven’t posted much about what’s going on in the creating world. This post shall be short, but I had to put something out today after reading a review on Etsy about someone enjoying my post 🙂

A watermelon oolong was promised and I don’t lie. Watermelon isn’t an easy flavor to do… so the most important part is to use a very reliable base tea that is solid enough to stand on its own while having a mild flavor being introduced; which means I went light.

A green oolong was the way to go, but which? Well, it wasn’t that hard because I have been following Paul Adamson over at Beautiful Taiwan Tea ever since the awesome 200% goal Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1141634751/the-quest-for-the-worlds-best-teas-face-to-farmert/description
Somehow I found a few hundred dollars to put towards the Kickstarter while in college because I thought it was so dang awesome that someone would go out there 🙂

I ended up taking my ‘reward’ and shared it with the tea community around me when I returned from Tokyo 🙂

highres_438094071I’m wearing a BTTC shirt; if you squint hard enough you’ll see it!

Story time is over. The choice was made: Light and refreshing spring time green oolong: Farmer Changs Green Oolong (Baozhong) just had to be what I used!

Now for the hard part, figuring out how to dehydrate watermelon so it looks like ugly sticks of stuff nobody ever wants; like an old fruit roll-up snack of some sort.

Bought some organic watermelons which tiny with that large knife there. This was quite enjoyable because the second season of Daredevil came out! Interesting fact:I finished the whole season by time I started and finished this tea…


Cutting the watermelon so it would not be little dices that just sat in the curly leaf wasn’t that difficult, just had to remember to cut large pieces because it was about to be dehydrated. 2

Just like this. Roughly 3/4 to 1 inch in thickness while varying in length. Simple enough.


Threw it on the dehydrator tray and looked at those white seed things and thought to myself: those won’t change a thing, why not just keep them in to give that homemade feel. So that’s what I did; nothing.

Here’s where I need to stop and say that dehydrating watermelon smells terrible. Don’t stick around when you are dehydrating it….

Anyways, I continued to watch Daredevil while it was dehydrating. Afterwards there was three more steps that I shall not reveal, sometimes we just have to keep some things to ourselves. Oh, but I can show you 🙂


Looking forward to putting this on Etsy come April 2016!

There shall be a blog for my first Literary Appreciation tea: Swann’s Way. Keep a lookout for it… a Sun-moon Lake blend with home roasted pecans drizzled with caramelized black sugar from Yunnan and a few other touches 🙂
Also, the Chocolate Laoshan Genmaicha is 90% done!!! I created two of my own types of roasted rice and I am REALLY excited about this.



p.s. I have no affiliation with Paul or Beautiful Taiwan Tea Company.