Midwest Tea Festival: When Tea Takes You Home

Who would have ever guessed that being passionate about something I really enjoy and then taking it a step further to put my own artistic spin on it that it would take me back home. Back up a little bit, what am I talking about? Liquid Proust Teas received an invitation to be at the Midwest Tea Festival. After letting that thought marinate in my mind, there is no doubt that this is something I have to do.

Most of my life I grew up in Kansas. I graduated from Olathe Northwest in 2008 and a few months after moved to Colorado where my family had moved to. Two years later I ended up in Ohio and have been there ever since. It hasn’t been since 2010 that I have communicated with the friends I’ve shared precious moments with in life. Those bonds still exist and it will be quite emotional to see them once again to realize that underneath the ‘growing up’ that we have done, we are still the same two individuals who love one another for how we have been there for one another.I

I’ve have many conversations about why tea is a lifestyle choice for my, but this is more personal than when I shared a cup with someone in Tokyo with a phone to translate for us. From now until May, I will pour as much effort as I can to build Liquid Proust Teas up to even more than it is now.

Excited doesn’t even explain it as it’s a mixture of anticipation, emotions, memories, and possibilities.


Check out Midwest Tea Fest ! http://midwestteafest.com/